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Apples For Kindergarten!

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Fall is the season for changing leaves, pumpkins, and apples! 

Apples were on every kindergartener's mind the past two weeks when all the classes took on the theme of “apple”. They learned about different kinds of apples, how to spell apple, and what one can make with apples! What better way to end a unit about apples than to experience all that apples can do first hand.

"After two weeks of learning about apples,” kindergarten teacher Kari Silvester explained, “the kindergarteners celebrated with Apple Day! Along with apple centers, apple drawings, apple books, videos, and even apple volcano science experiments, our favorite part of the day is, of course, all the apple tasting!”

Dressed up in patterns of apples and shades of red, the kindergartners ended their apple themed week by sampling a smorgasbord of apple flavored treats including apple donuts, apple bread, apple sauce, apple juice, apple chips, apple butter, and apple pie, just to name a few! Put that together with the day's activities of numbered apple coloring sheets, apple picture counting, and tracing of the word apple and our kindergartners are now experts in apples!