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Building A Brighter Tomorrow Through An Hour Of Code

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Lower School STEM was full STEAM ahead as students participated in the international Hour of Code event last week. What is the Hour of Code? According to their website, it is, "a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with 1-hour coding activities but expanding to all sorts of community efforts." 

Backed by partners "including Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Boys and Girls Clubs of America and the College Board, it is an international event that encourages students to be more involved in computer science."

While in STEM, PCA students from kindergarten to 5th grade participated in a variety of coding activities learning basic coding skills through online sites that walked students through coding patterns by way of music, characters, and matching beats. 

STEM teacher Ellen Peek said, "the students were thrilled to complete each coding challenge. This event illuminated strengths in students they didn't know they had and I saw a new sense of self-confidence as they completed the different challenges."