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Siebert's Science Students Bring Speed To Physics

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Upper School Science Teacher, Marcia Siebert, is cultivating in her students a deeper understanding and appreciation of physics principles through a hands-on project that the students will build on and advance throughout the year as their knowledge grows.

“Students built four identical distance mousetrap cars and one speed car,” said Siebert. “They tested them and will use the cars throughout the year to apply different formulas they are learning in regards to friction, work, force and torque force. For this first test, the focus was to learn basic mechanics and calculate the average acceleration of the cars.”

Eleventh grader CJ Taculod was excited for this project as well as the process of testing their cars. “The best part was being able to see the car move. You built the car with your own hands and you’re proud of your work!”

Noah Moser, Joshua Howard, and Harper Geiger also shared their excitement as they set their cars up to race down the hallway cheering as the vehicles passed each other towards the finish line. 

Mrs. Siebert certainly knows how to create lessons with impact!