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This Little Light Of Mine Shines Brightly In Lower School Chapels

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The love of the Lord not only shines, but illuminates through the Worship Center on the days in which Lower School gathers for chapel. The joy that each of the students and teachers bring through the gentleness of their voices singing up to the Lord, sends a feeling of peace throughout anyone who is fortunate enough to take part in this weekly event. 

This year’s theme is "Fruits of the Spirit", which Lower School principal, and organizer of chapel, Dr. Rick Martin hopes will help continue the steady faithfulness and goodness that is evident throughout PCA. “Whenever God’s word is opened up to a child in a way they can understand it’s always exciting!” Dr. Martin expressed when asked about what makes chapel special. Another aspect that adds the element of excitement is, like last year, each lower school class will enjoy the privilege of leading their peers through Worship, with songs that remind us all to demonstrate patience, kindness, and self-control as we follow God's Word while interacting with others in our daily lives.

When asked what they thought of Worship, fifth grader Gracia Harrelson said, "I like worship because you get to sing with all your friends!” Her classmate Lola Domikis agreed. “My favorite part is singing and dancing.”

As we prepare to take on whatever this year may bring, Dr. Martin requests your prayers that the theme could go beyond the head and into the heart because, “heartwork is a God sized task.”

Due to new COVID protocols, the classes will be split for chapel. Here are the new times for lower school chapels:

Grades 3-5 from 8:05 - 8:30 am 
Grades K-2 from 8:35 - 9 am

Parents are welcome to join us for chapel as it is a highlight of the week. We ask that guests please sit in the areas that are not reserved for students. May hearts be blessed during this time!