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2nd Graders Discover Historical Lessons In Their Own Hometown

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On Friday the 13th the 2nd grade took their annual field trip to Fort Moultrie and the Sullivan's Island lighthouse. The children started the day by helping the national landmark hoist up the American flag. The children impressed the staff with all of their knowledge of the American flag. After the flag was hoisted up the pole and the legendary Fort Moultrie video was shown, PCA's upper school principal, Sean Kieper, took the children on a guided tour of Fort Moultrie. Mr. Keiper taught the children many interesting facts about the fort. All of the children were excited to listen to him and see their fantastic principal Dr. Martin standing with them in the crowd.

When the tour and a delightful picnic lunch by the intracoastal waterway ended, the classes headed to the Sullivan's Island lighthouse. Each child had the opportunity to sketch the light house with chalk while sitting on the beach. When the work was finished and the lessons learned, everyone raced to the edge of the ocean to dip their feet in the water! The weather was fabulous and the children were blessed to enjoy a delightful day discovering history in the own hometown.