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Historical Figures Come To Life In Living Wax Museum

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Last Friday both staff and students were able to see historical greats such as Jackie Kennedy, Walt Disney, and Pocohontas on the PCA campus.

In the annual “Living Wax Museum” event held by the fourth grade classes, students were asked to select a book about a historical figure who made a significant contribution to society. From their research they then wrote a first person summary of the person’s biography including 3 interesting facts, 3 major contributions or accomplishments of the person, a summary of two contemporaries, and a timeline of significant life events. Afterwards, they created a trifold to share the information in an eye-catching way. 

All their research skills were pulled together when students dressed up like their person using full costumes and props and created a “museum” for an audience of students and staff.

When asked about the goal of this project, fourth grade teacher Ms. Katie Hyman said, “Really the goal is to get students reading non-fiction texts for information, work on their reporting and presenting skills, and to be inspired by people who fought and worked tirelessly for ideas and causes they believed in.”

Fourth-grader Bonnie Bader assumed the role of Jackie Kennedy and said, “My favorite part of this project was writing and reading the books because I liked seeing how people looked up to her and were not afraid of doing her career.”

James Buckley took on the role of Blackbeard the pirate. “I thought it would be cool to do a pirate because every year I’ve walked through I’ve never seen one.”

Anna Clark Cooke, who portrayed Julia Child said, “My favorite part was watching everyone - they looked so happy walking through here. It was fun doing this!”