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It's Apple Week In Kindergarten!

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September is all about apples for our kindergarten students! If you’ve visited the kindergarten hallway, you’ll notice it’s covered with apple artwork, books and evidence of learning!

Our kindergarten teachers Alex Alford, Braden Cruz, Melissa Shockley, Kari Silvester and Mary Jane Watson have created meaningful learning experiences for students.

Students participated in an apple tasting utilizing a class graph to see which apples they liked the most. They also were introduced to the scientific method with an experiment to coat an apple with 3 different liquids to determine if they could prevent it from turning brown.

One of the highlights of Apple Week for the students is the apple volcano experiment!

“Of course the apple volcanoes are always a favorite", stated Mrs. Alford.

Our kindergarten students also learned about the life cycle of an apple tree and the parts of an apple. The week ended with having a variety of apple themed foods to try on Friday! Sounds like quite the tasty and fun week!

Posted by Dawn Burns with