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Lower School "Adopts" Seniors For The Year

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Two years ago Lower School Choir teacher Pam Hall began what is now a meaningful tradition of Lower School classes adopting a Senior for the year. These classes pray and celebrate the seniors over their last year at PCA.

“It all began by God planting a seed that we nurtured," explains Hall. “This year, for the first time, we announced the seniors at our first Lower School Chapel. We danced, sang and praised the Lord; it was a beautiful morning.”

Seniors have already started visiting their lower school classrooms, and getting to know their little Eagle friends.  

“The best thing that I have heard from a fellow teacher,” said Hall, “was that her child came home and asked, “Mommy, am I going to be a senior at PCA one day?” That hits you in the heart."

First-grade teacher, Molly Hare said, "It is such a gift for our youngest scholars to have fun and prayer-filled partnerships with our seniors! These partnerships make the big picture of PCA click for our early learners who are just beginning their PCA journeys.”

Senior Grant Blackwell said, "I am so excited to get back in the elementary halls and experience the memories and hopefully make new memories for the younger kids.

"I think lower school adopting seniors is amazing,” said Senior Abby Creech. “It really gives us a chance to bond with younger elementary school kids and set a good example for them, and it gives them something to look forward to in their senior year!”

The students are excited to love on the senior class this year and to pray for each one as they walk through their final year as PCA Eagles.