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Mrs. McCoy's Class "Falls" In Love With The Season

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Leaves, trees, and seasons. Those are the words that the kindergartners in Patti McCoy’s class were exploring in this month’s unit on seasons. 

“I love discussing the different seasons with my students!” McCoy said. “We read the book "A Tree for all Seasons" and it's so sweet to see how fascinated they are by God's creation! It led us into some great conversations about growth and how even when we can't see the Lord he's always at work.”

Putting their newfound knowledge on leaves into play, with brown paper bags in hand, the class took off to explore nature and find materials to make “leaf people” then set back off to the classroom to put material to paper. Moss for hair, pinecones for props, and of course leaves for the body, the creativity was going full speed.

“I now have students picking up leaves at recess because they found the veins that carry the water through the tree. They also just want to show off all the beautiful colors! It's wonderful to see them making connections and sharing what they've learned.”

Kindergartner, Tusker Tanner, said his favorite part of this activity was building his leaf man because, “it’s fun to build new stuff.”