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Showing items filed under “Abby Best”

Upper School Small Groups: Building Community & Connections

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Our middle and high school small groups have officially kicked off here at PCA! The team of small group leaders could not be more excited about being a part of students’ lives and about what the Lord will do this year. Small groups are more than just gatherings; in many ways they are the heartbeat of our school community.

Sophomore Sienna Amos emphasized the transformative power of small groups for students, “Small groups are important for christian teens because it gives you a chance to be vulnerable in front of others who you trust. To share whatever is going on in your life without the fear of being judged.”

At PCA, we are passionate about nurturing not just academic growth but also passionate love for Jesus. Small groups play a pivotal role in seeing this transformation take place. 

These groups provide a place for our upper school students to come together, share their experiences, and apply gospel-centered chapel messages in real life with other students and caring small group leaders. It’s already been a memorable start to this year’s small groups as laughter filled the air and hearts connected through prayer and biblical discussions. We ask that you join us in prayer for our small groups this year as we learn what it looks like to be Set Apart.

Posted by Abby Best with

Exciting Opportunities For Student Development Though Extracurriculars

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At PCA, the educational experience isn’t confined to the walls of the classroom; it extends to include vibrant and active extracurricular clubs and activities that foster personal growth and leadership development. Last Friday, our campus came alive with energy as our students participated in our Club Fair where they could learn more about all of the opportunities provided at PCA. 

From the Student Government Association, where future leaders are developed, to the Robotics Club where innovation thrives, to the Fishing Club that enjoys God’s creation – there’s a niche for everyone. This year we proudly introduced a new club – Ducks Unlimited – a testament to the diversity of clubs awaiting students.

What do these extracurriculars mean to your students? Let’s hear from them:

"Being a part of the A/V club is a free way to learn life skills and do the things you enjoy with other classmates.” - George Greene

“Getting to be a part of the Eagle Ambassadors allows me to build bonds with other students through a common interest while improving PCA culture.” Hannah Delaney and Juliet Olson

“I’m excited to learn more about hunting and fishing after school in Ducks Unlimited!” - William Newborn

Extracurriculars at PCA are more than activities, they are a place where friendships are formed, interests are discovered, and passions are pursued. Our heart is to provide experiential learning for students that integrates faith and their strengths and passions in all areas of their lives. We invite all upper school students to explore and jump into one of these opportunities this year!

Posted by Abby Best with