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Showing items filed under “Abby Best”

FCA At PCA: Making Disciples By Empowering Athletes

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Student Life at PCA extends far beyond the classroom with a diverse array of student activities and clubs, including FCA. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) continues to be a source of encouragement and connection for students. Led by East Cooper Baptist High School Pastor, Alec Emenhiser, FCA has witnessed much fruit in the lives of students:

“The goal is to share Christ with students and to encourage them to follow Jesus in their everyday lives. It is a joy to serve with the senior leadership team and I’ve enjoyed having PCA middle and high school students together," says Emenhiser. "After every FCA meeting I leave encouraged seeing students growing and wanting to make Christ known in their everyday walks.”

PCA student, Ana Lancaster, similarly enjoys the time of fellowship before school: 

“My favorite part of FCA is having fellowship with all ages of students. It’s a sweet time together with middle and high school students focused on growing in our walks with the Lord.”

FCA meets regularly every other week for a time of breakfast, games, and a speaker before school. While Alec Emenhiser organizes the speakers and the overall vision for FCA, senior student leaders lead practically each meeting by serving breakfast, hosting the games, and introducing speakers. If your student has not joined FCA, the senior leadership team would love for your student to come and be a part of what God is doing through this ministry. 

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Spiritual Emphasis Week For Upper School

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Spiritual growth is a fundamental part of the educational experience at Palmetto Christian Academy, and there is no better testament to this commitment than Spiritual Emphasis Week. This special week is a time dedicated to prayer, worship, and reflection for upper school students (grades 6-12) and their parents. It's a time to come together, share, and strengthen their faith. 

This year’s Spiritual Emphasis Week was packed with various activities that allowed students to connect with each other and God in meaningful ways. A new addition this year was the "prayer walk" each morning in different areas of the school, followed by a time of praise and worship. Then during chapel services Wednesday through Friday, students had the privilege of hearing from faculty members, Dr. Jason Hauffe, Mrs. Marcia Siebert, and from a panel of seven high school students on the topics of being godly men and women.

Thank you to all who prayed for God to be at work in our students’ lives this past week! This was a week that deeply resonated with students and faculty:

As Bella De Los Reyes put it, "It was very impactful hearing from the students during Friday's Chapel. It gave us a deeper connection and taught me I am not the only one struggling with things."

Dr. Ryan Parker echoed this sentiment, "I loved having the combined chapel with middle and high school and hearing the different students' struggles and how to overcome them." These shared experiences and stories serve as a source of strength and guidance for all of our students.

George Greene highlighted the importance of the morning worship, stating, "I really enjoyed the morning worship. It was a great addition to this year's Spiritual Emphasis Week. I got to start out my week in a positive way." The power of beginning the day focused on Christ set the tone for the rest of the day.

 Dr. Hauffe, Upper School Bible Teacher, captured the essence of the week's impact, "I was overjoyed by the students, Mrs. Siebert, by the worship and by the conversations students are still having. Every step that is taken towards Christ is a place of great joy." These moments of spiritual growth and connection leave a lasting imprint on the hearts and minds of the Upper School. We are continuing to pray for revival at PCA and the hearts of our students, faculty and staff. Would you continue to partner with us in prayer for God to be at work?

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