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PCA Choirs and Band Celebrate the Joy of Christmas

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What a delightful evening last Thursday as the PCA Upper School Choirs and Band presented their annual Christmas concert, "The Joy of Christmas". This year all of the musical selections surrounded the theme of JOY. Seventh grade musician, Ian Marlow, began the evening with a beautiful piano solo of "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring", setting the tone for what would be a very joyful evening. The middle school choirs sang familiar songs such as "Joy to the World", "God Rest You Merry Gentlemen", and a jazzy rendition of "Jingle Bells". The middle school bands joyfully played " At the Feast of Stephen", "Ode to Joy" and "A Festive Fanfare". Standout band musicians Bella Davenport and Angelina Xiong delighted the audience with a duet, "Marimba Christmas for Two".

The growing High School Choir sang holiday favorites such as "Carol of the Bells" and "Sleigh Ride". Dani Wulff gave a compelling performance in her solo of "There's Still My Joy", while Olivia Martin moved everyone with the message of the true joy of Christmas in her delivery of Hillsongs' "When I Think Upon Christmas". The High School Choir closed the musical evening with an amazing performance of Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus".

Thank you to all of our choir and band students, and to Kathy Thames and Mike Doll, for setting our hearts and minds on the joy that can only be found in Christ!

Posted by Robin and Joe Fishburne with

5th Graders Experience The Gift Of Giving

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"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35

On the Friday before Thanksgiving break, the fifth graders visited Sweetgrass Village Assisted Living and experienced those very words from Paul in the book of Acts. The boys and girls knocked on doors, passed out gifts, visited with residents and ended with a program of singing and poetry recitation. The most beautiful part of the field trip was watching the students stretch their comfort level by asking the residents for their names so they can specifically pray for them throughout the year. The residents were honored and the students experienced the blessing of giving away gifts, time, talents and a bit of their hearts through prayer. We look forward to our follow up visit in March.

Posted by English Preston with

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