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Seeking God Wholeheartedly In A Circle Of Prayer & Praise

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The rain that trickled down onto the roof of the SLC did not stop the many parents, students, teachers, and staff from gathering together to celebrate this year's “See You at the Pole.” 

“See You at the Pole”, is a global event that is held on the fourth Wednesday of September each year, where school communities gather together, joining their hands and hearts, to lift up their school, community, and nation in prayer.

This year's theme was “Wholeheartedly” from Jeremiah 29:13 NLT “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” 

PCA embraced this gathering with their whole heart. New Director of Student Activities and Culture, Abby Best, helped orchestrate this beautiful event, “Getting to be a part of See You At The Pole was so encouraging. It is special to see the PCA family come together and spend time in prayer and worship. We are so proud of our students for stepping out in faith and praying for their classmates, teachers and our community. It is a joy to be a part of what the Lord is doing here.”

The event started with Mr. Zubia explaining how “See You At The Pole” originated before leading the event in an opening prayer.

Flag bearers from last year, now sixth graders, Hunter Tisdale, Kassy Cameron, and Solomon Jarvis brought the flags to the center of the gym as the choir, directed by Dr. Jo Hethcox, sang the national anthem.

Afterwards, 5th graders Eloise Sherrill and Carsten Spear led everyone in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Bible. 

Then, one by one, members of our school’s various student organizations came up to the microphone to pray over the nation, our city and first responders, and to pray over PCA’s teachers, students and families.

“It was very special for me to pray for our leaders,” said senior Autumn Benton. “I think it is amazing to have the whole school together gathered in prayer. It was such a privilege to pray with everyone!”

The event ended with the choir singing a medley of, “Down to the River to Pray and Shall We Gather at the River” before students went off to school and parents, off to their days, with a sense of gratitude that we can gather as a school family to pray and seek Him above all else.

Posted by Melanie Rodgers with

2nd Graders Soaring To New Heights Discovering Birds Of Prey

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This past week, on their first field trip of the year, the second grade classes traveled to the Center for Birds of Prey in Awendaw. The visit began in the outdoor amphitheater where professional bird handlers displayed both a Harris Hawk and a Barn Owl for students to see up close. Though they were not allowed to touch them, students were shown how the handlers were able to hold the birds, ways that the handlers kept themselves safe while interacting with the birds, and some of the food that these birds eat.  After these initial introductions, all classes settled in for an hour-long flight demonstration during which students encountered five other birds of prey that currently reside at the Conservation Center. During these demonstrations, onlookers experienced the flying and hunting techniques of birds such as the Red-Tailed Hawk, the Turkey Vulture, Juvenile Spectacled Owl, Burrowing Owl, and Yellow-Billed Kite. Each of these birds swooped and dove over the audience under guide and instruction from their handler displaying different flight patterns and ways of hunting their prey. Students learned amazing facts about how God has created each bird to be unique and how those specific details help them survive by determining where they should live, what they should eat, and how to protect themselves. Many students had questions like “how much do they weigh?”, “How do you tell if they are male or female?", and “How do they know where to build their nests?”  All these and many more questions were answered as the birds on display flew so close you could feel them swoosh by.  Students learned that most owls are nocturnal hunters but the Burrowing Owl is diurnal meaning that it hunts during the day.  The yellow-billed Kite demonstrated his hunting technique of grabbing prey out of the air. 

Our flight demonstration leader also explained that The Center for Birds of Prey is a part of the Avian Conservations Center which exists to identify and address vital environmental issues by providing medical care to injured birds of prey and shorebirds, and through educational, research, and conservation initiatives.  Students were taught about many of the injuries they see in animals that are brought to their hospitals and ways that we can be proactive to help. During the flight demonstration of the Turkey Vulture, students learned that there are 22 species of vultures and all are endangered. He went on to say that if these birds become extinct the food chain will be disrupted as they have seen in other countries where this has become a reality.  Students learned that caring for creation through conservation efforts is a helpful way to steward what we have been given.  

After the flight demonstration, the classes divided into small groups to visit other birds that were housed at the center. Students were awed by many different kinds of owls, kites, osprey, hawks, storks, and even Eagles!  Many students remarked about how they were all so different - some big, some little, show tall, some short! It was a wonderful time to explore God’s creation and attention to detail as is displayed through many different kinds of birds. 

The trip ended with a picnic and continued discussions about all that the students had learned and seen that day. One student said, “My favorite was the spectacled owl because it looked like it had glasses!” while another exclaimed, “I liked the bald eagle because that’s what PCA has!”  What a wonderful time the second graders had exploring and learning about God’s amazing world!

Posted by Lauren Beech with

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