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Internships Offer Unique Learning Experience

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Internships provide a bridge between academic learning and practical application, preparing students for success in the professional workforce. At PCA, we offer high school students the opportunity to gain real-world work experience in a field of their choice, allowing them to explore different career paths. This year, we have students engaged in internships in a variety of industries including healthcare, politics, software development, marine biology, and education. Senior Emily Romfo is currently at East Cooper Hospital doing her internship. Here is what she had to say about her experience:

What are the main day-to-day responsibilities involved in your internship?
My main day-to-day responsibilities are attending deliveries and C-sections, helping chart vital signs for both baby and mom, getting items needed from the utility or the storage room, sometimes getting needed items for the mom, and stocking and cleaning rooms after patients have delivered and been moved to postpartum.

What are some essential qualities to be a successful intern?
Some essential qualities to be an intern are adaptability, eagerness to learn, confidence, respect, admiration, and tenacity.

What challenges do you most frequently face in this role?
The challenge I most frequently face is not knowing what some scientific terms mean that only nurses would know. Most of the time I am faced with questions that I do not know because I have not completed nursing school but when I do not know I just ask for help! I also do not know most of the medicines they may ask me to help get but I usually just ask another nurse for help with that! Another challenge is learning how to communicate well with patients when they may ask me questions about specific topics. Often the questions I face are as if I were a nurse so I have to respond to them the best I can or find another nurse that can answer them appropriately.

What are some things you have learned from your internship experience?
Some things I have learned in my internship are time management, communication, and professional skills. I have learned how to best communicate with my overseer and the nurses as well. I have learned how to look professional in the hospital environment and present myself best to the patients and staff. I have also just learned and experienced so much about labor and delivery nursing and found my passion in life is to be a nurse who specializes in labor and delivery. I overall have loved this internship so much and highly recommend it to any student who may be considering healthcare and/or nursing!

Posted by Emily Faile with

PCA's Senior Walk: An Annual Tradition

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Senior Walk is a celebration in which soon-to-be graduates walk the halls of their school as a way of demonstrating to younger students that hard work pays off.

We love this sweet PCA tradition! We believe it provides an opportunity for seniors to both celebrate their achievements and inspire younger students to follow in their footsteps. This year's Senior Walk took place last Wednesday and the PCA family was delighted to celebrate our Class of 2024. 

Following the Senior Walk, our students along with family and friends, gathered in the Worship Center where they were affirmed and encouraged during the Senior Awards Ceremony. This year's class has excelled in arts, academics, and athletics. If God calls someone to a task, he equips them and this year's graduating class has risen to the challenges and finished well.

Seniors were recognized for academic achievement (highest GPA) in each subject and individually recognized in a character traits presentation. Joshua Matthews was awarded the prestigious Headmasters Award for leadership.

Congratulations to each member of our graduating class for your individual accomplishments. It is our joy to affirm the unique way the Lord has fearfully and wonderfully made each of you!

Posted by Darla Rourk with

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