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Junior College Tour Takes Students to UofSC

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To prepare for the future, the junior class will have the opportunity to visit colleges in both the Fall and Spring. The college tour experience began on November 14, as the juniors traveled to the University of South Carolina where they were able to listen to an admissions presentation and were given a tour of the campus, led by a current USC student. Between learning the history of the school and getting a perspective of campus life, students were able to see the difference of going to school in a small community, verses a University that is much bigger.

When asked how the tour impacted her, Junior Katelyn Howard said, "I have been in a small private school my whole life where I know everyone and [am] used to being in a small community. USC was so much different from that, it was so cool to be in the atmosphere of a big university school." This is exactly the experience Academic Counselor Sally Pascutti hoped students would have. She explained, "USC presented an encouraging model of how large universities can be made into smaller communities for individual students. Our tour guide was a Nursing major who shared her experience of learning in an intentional program where students complete clinical rounds, volunteer in the medical field, and study for the nursing licensure exam together. As our tour guide said, 'There are many ways to make a large place feel smaller.'"

Despite the rainy weather and a popped bus tire on the way home, the juniors enjoyed being able to tour a large campus and experience one of the possibilities of what life could look like after high school.


Posted by Fei Fleury with

Spreading the Love of Jesus

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Approaching the Christmas season with the expectation of giving rather than receiving sets one up to better understand what God desires of His children. Mrs. Welch's 2nd graders are on their way to grasping that concept as they worked diligently creating handmade Christmas ornaments, then helped Mrs. Cass with decorating the Operation Christmas Child tree in the Welcome Center.

Operation Christmas Child is a Samaritan's Purse project that collects "shoe boxes" filled with goodies to distribute to children all over the world. I asked some of the students about decorating the tree and what it meant to give to others...

Asher Walters: "We made stars with Christmas song words on them. I want people to know the importance of giving."

Elizabeth Craft: "At church, we prayed for Fanny who lives in Honduras and needs love for Christmas."

Gracie Czerwinski: "I like kids to get excited for Christmas!"

Ella Dimitrious (after she made sure I spelled her last name correctly, lol): "I want kids to be happy, peaceful and to know comfort."

My favorite response came from the entire class when they said that they want everyone to know the love of God. Praise the Lord!


Posted by Selina Zubia with

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