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Thanksgiving Chapel: A Morning Of Gratitude, Worship, And Laughter!

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Our Thanksgiving Chapel is one of the most highly anticipated events of the school year! This program never fails to fill our hearts with gratitude as we give thanks for all that the Lord has done!

This year, in celebration of PCA’s 30th Anniversary, all lower school grades participated in the annual celebration led by our talented Music Director, Pam Hall. In order to accommodate our growing school, PCA held back to back performances of the special Thanksgiving Chapel, making it double the fun!

The program began with a welcoming message and prayer by Lower School Principal, Tracy Cox, before the kindergarten classes gave a charming rendition of “Psalm 100”. As a segment from the PCA 30th Anniversary video played, the second graders took the stage to rock out to “Over the River” before leading the audience in The Doxology. The event continued with the PCA band lending a “note” with their Autumn Fanfare while the third grade class led a “PCA” version of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade down the center aisle, showing off their own balloon floats which they designed, created, and built during their STEM classes (shout out to STEM teacher Ellen Peek for always coming up with creative, fun, and innovative ways to incorporate STEM projects into student events!). Next up was the first grade class who let the audience know, “I Am A Promise” before the third graders and the PCA band took to stage together to sing the PCA Fight Song, Alma Mater and PCA Hymn (fun fact, the PCA Hymn was written by Druid Joyner who now has grandchildren attending PCA!). Up next, the fourth grade girls and fourth grade boys each took that stage to sing about their “Pizza Love” and excitement for Thanksgiving “Mashed Potatoes”. 

New this year was a slide presentation that took over the screen with pictures of teachers and staff while the entire lower school sang, “We Appreciate You” as a heartfelt thank you to the faculty, staff and administration who make PCA the school that it is.. a school where the students are not only cloaked in lessons of Jesus, but are also surrounded with Christ-like love and compassion. 

And as per tradition, no Thanksgiving Chapel would be complete without the famous “Frost Is On the Pumpkin,” animatedly recited by the fifth grade class!

The event closed with PCA Board Member, Lauren Beech, on keyboard and ECBC Worship Director, Quint Schoeneberg, on guitar leading the entire lower school student body in, “All in All,” which brought teary eyes in the audience before Mr. Zubia closed the event in prayer.

“Thanksgiving chapel is filled with joyful hearts and joyful music,” said Pam Hall, “and don’t you just love Praising the Lord? We do!"

A special thank you to Pam Hall and Mike Doll for such a special program, and to all the teachers who helped prepare their students for these performances. We are truly blessed here at PCA.

To see a recap of the performance through pictures, click here.

Lower School Election Day Results Are In!

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The votes are in for the 2022-2023 Lower School Election! Last week, 4th and 5th grade students headed to voting booths to cast their ballots for Lower School Student Council. Third grade students voted via absentee ballots the day prior. Manned by PTF volunteers, Brittany Hoffman, Melissa Mercer, and Katherine Overstreet, the students voted for their choice of officers and representatives. The tallied votes resulted in the following:

President: Southerlyn Surratt 

Vice President: Eloise Sherrill

Secretary: Luke Pinkel

Treasurer: Hadley Silvester

3rd Grade Representatives: Maddie Lowry & Kingston Surratt

4th Grade Representatives: Carsten Spear & Carp Carpenter

5th Grade Representatives: Catherine Daniel & William Newbern

Lower School SGA Advisor Jessica Hanzsche is excited for this year’s team. “I'm lucky to be involved with such a special group at PCA and even better- to be blessed by the hearts of these little leaders. I am thrilled for another great year of Lower School SGA and I consider it a privilege to help shape and mold the hearts of these young leaders. The Lord is good to us and I'm certain has handpicked a very special team this year that will work hard for His glory.”

Congratulations to the winners and to each one of the students who stepped forward to run for a Student Council spot this year. We are thankful for so many servant hearts!

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