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Preschool Press: Christmas Programs Delight Audience

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The sweet sounds of Christmas filled the Worship Center this past week as our Little Eagles sang songs celebrating the birth of Jesus. Each grade level shared songs of the season during PCA Preschool Chapels on Tuesday and Wednesday. How wonderful it was to celebrate this wonderful time with parents, grandparents and friends. Our students were excited to showcase much of what they have learned over the past few months of school. PCA Preschool wishes each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Posted by Darla Rourk with

Exploring Asheville's Literary Connections

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On December 2nd and 3rd, the Sophomores made their way to Asheville, North Carolina for the annual literary trip. Upon arrival, the students watched a live Christmas Spectacular in the Flat Rock Theater and then made their way to the historic Biltmore, where they were able to eat dinner at the Deerpark Restaurant on the Biltmore property under twinkling lights. The students then headed inside the spectacular Biltmore Mansion for a candlelight tour of the house that was decorated in ornate lights and Christmas trees. The next day the students set off to tour the homes of O'Henry, Thomas Wolfe, and Carl Sandburg. The Sandburg house was a class favorite as students toured not only the home but the dairy farm founded by the Sandburg's in 1945. The sophomores particularly enjoyed interacting with the animals on the farm, especially the goats. The 10th grade trip to Asheville this year was a success!

Posted by Maggie O'Hanley with

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