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Combining History & Art In Exploring Native American Culture

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Hands on learning brings history to life! It's only the second full week of school and our PCA students are already hard at work. 

Fourth grade teacher Katie Hyman explained that their classes"...are studying Native Americans and how their environment influenced what type of home they lived in, what they ate, and how they dressed." So when the fourth grade teachers found out that the first unit in art class this year was clay, they had an idea.

"They wanted to integrate Native American art [into class]" said art teacher Anna Boyer, "and I was happy to try a new project! I picked out teepees so that students would be able to carve the symbols into the walls of their homes, which are discussed in their history unit, while also working in 3D for the Clay Unit."

Fourth grader Boone Byham said that he liked combining art and history because, "we got to learn how teepees were built [in class] and then we got to make our own."

Combining these important lessons with art is an experience that will certainly go down in fourth grade history. 


Posted by Melanie Rodgers with

PCA Eagles Are Thankful To Be Back In School!

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After 5 months of silence, the halls of PCA are once again filled with the laughter and chatter of PCA students and staff. With masks on and "smiling eyes", students and staff have taken their temporary new normal in stride, matching masks to their uniforms and outfits, staying the standard distance apart, and overall being thankful for the opportunity to be back in the halls. 

Third grade teacher, Mrs. Andrews said, "I have never been so happy to be back at school! The mask is definitely worth it, and my students have done an amazing job!" 

While Upper School English teacher Vicki Blackstone said, "One of the most patriotic things we, teachers and students, can do is return to school. We might be Eagles, but right now, we are also patriots!" 

Students are just as excited about being back in person. Third grader, Hunter Tisdale said, "the best part about being back is being with my friends and not having to do virtual learning!" 

 When asked how she felt about starting her senior year in a mask, senior Fei Fleury said, "Starting the school year has been very different and I had mixed feelings about coming in. I was both excited and nervous trying to do school in masks and being extra cautious with germs, but I am very happy to be back in person! To be able to see all my friends and teachers has been the best part and I can't wait to see how this school year is going to play out!"

Whether it's from home via virtual learning or in physical seats, it is nice to have the PCA Eagles back in the nest.


Posted by Melanie Rodgers with

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